Kamehameha Schools

Hānai i ke keiki, ola ka lāhui
Nurture the child and the lāhui thrives
Founded in 1887 by the legacy of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kamehameha Schools is private, educational, charitable trust committed to improving the capability and well-being of Native Hawaiians through education and this enduring legacy continues to transform the lives of countless keiki. Today we champion every Hawaiian learner to explore their potential. We envision a thriving lāhui where learners, grounded in Christian and Hawaiian values, grow into ‘ōiwi leaders who inspire and contribute to their communities, both locally and globally.

Holomoana By KS Digital – A Native Hawaiian place of learning for voyagers of the world.
Learn about the rising and setting of the stars, the currents of wind and wave, the stories of past voyages, and the basic skills required of all crew members. If you’re a kumu (teacher) browse our kumu resources where you’ll find free lessons and resources to use with you learners.