Pomai was born and raised on the island of Hawai’i. Her family has been part of Hōkūle’a’s legacy from her inception. Pomai has been a ritualistic member of Polynesian Voyaging Society since 2000. Her family and the community of Hawai’i is responsible for the building of the double-hulled voyaging canoe Makali’i, 54ʻ double-hulled voyaging canoe used to educate communities around the globe about voyaging traditions and the responsibility that we carry as voyagers to respond to the needs of the sustainability of our people and the earth. In 2007, Nā Kālai Waʻa and ‘Ohana Wa’a completed the building of the Alingano Maisu, the voyaging canoe built for Papa Mau Piailug as gesture of gratitude for his selfless efforts of reconnecting with deep-sea knowledge and ways of knowing.